Sunday, September 2, 2007

Taxes up, services down

Well at least I don't feel alone now in this.

Since 2000, property taxes have shot up nearly 50 percent, from $2,679, far outpacing gains in wages, which climbed 30 percent statewide over the same period, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the past seven years, the average annual property tax hikes for homeowners have ranged from about $150 to nearly $215.

Taxpayers are being asked to pay more at a time when they are seeing local services decline, as cities and towns struggle to cover rising healthcare, utility, and pension costs.

Since I've owned my property (about 12 years ago) my taxes are up way over double. Of course I've upgraded many things in the house since then. But most of that is market appreciation according to the assessor.

My basic needs from the town are simple - the 3 Ps: paving, pipes and plowing. On plowing they're not bad. On paving we haven't had any for about 20 years on Berlin and it shows. One reason things are so bad is that there is no drainage on the road (pipes) nor are there plans for it.

So if they can't get basic services like this while doubling the tax burden, it's a real source of frustration with town government. Recently it was reported that the new paving plan includes Berlin. But again, we will likely have drainage issues leading to worsening conditions in short order. The drainage needs to be addressed!

What my eyes see is that major roads are paved and kept but this shortchanges most residential side streets (where people live). So the residents again get the short straw, yet their share of increases have gone way up thanks to revaluation.


Auburnaut1313 said...

Reevaluatuion has not made your taxes go up. Twon spending going up is what has made all taxes in town go up. There will never be tax reductions unless there are spending reductions. Auburn has a relativley low residential tax rate, but is a high tax town. Go up and down Routes 12& 20 and ask the proprietors if they think the taxes are low in Auburn. You wondered why we only have big boxes and chains in another blog, I would say because mom and pop can't manage the taxes levied on them and still run those types of small businesses with a pleasant lifestyle, though it would be nice.

sunny said...

The revaluation that we have recently experienced is due to the fact that Auburn did not keep up over the years. So, the taxpayers keep paying out while the town leaders catch up with their jobs and the obligations. Not only does spending have to be cut, but exposed. There is a lot of wasted taxpayer dollars and I, for one, want to know where it all goes. What do you see for your tax dollars? We need to turn and jump on the long road to recovery-leave the baggage behind-start new and work together. Auburn is heading for bankruptcy-are you scared?