Monday, March 10, 2008

Drugs and hormones in the drinking water

Interesting and somewhat disturbing story about water supplies being contaminated with hormones and drugs.

This to go along with the perchlorate contamination found in Auburn water recently. The source of that chemical is from explosives like those used in blasting (or fireworks!).

There was this somewhat wacky story last year about how "our young boys are being feminized by hormones and chemicals in the water supply" like somehow there was a feminist conspiracy against mankind or something.

One apparent negative effect is on spawning fish. Which I can believe since they mate in what used to be pure water which now has ever so slightly (they think slightly) elevated levels of estrogen hormones, probably from birth control pills.

One thing is sure - we have a lot of water supplies in town and given the town's history we can do a lot better at protecting our resource. I mean, they filled in Silver Lake to build the mall, not to mention the houses that are built near or in wetland areas every year.

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