Friday, December 7, 2007

Buying Christmas toys made in America has an article on which toys to buy made here in the good ole US of A.

It's something to think about with all the Communist Chinese lead painted toys popping up these days. I know one of the first items on my list is a lead paint test kit from Home Depot. Figure I'll test em right on the shelf before I plop down hard earned Benjies for some Commy made imported lead toy ;). I plan to bring up the subject of buying toys from USA to the Mall and Toys R Us too. Safety is of tantamount importance when buying toys so choosing a trusted source country for manufacture is important.

Here's a few companies mentioned:

American Plastic Toys
Fat Brain Toys
Kazoo Toys
Nick and Zoe toys
Isis Maternity

A couple more:

Nice maple wooden block set
Train table from Step 2, who have a selection of made in USA toys.
Inside plastic Doorway playhouse again from Step 2.

Finally, if you like European made toys, the Gift Chalet has many products from Scandinavia and they're right here in town.

A few other pointers for lead and toy safety from Consumer reports - 5 things for avoiding lead contamination

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