Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Berlin St again

Berlin got paved for the first time in a long time (20 years?) last year, coincident with Dave D's company doing some work for him at his development on Wallace. So Lynch did a nice job (I might add) on Wallace and Berlin last year while they were working on his place. Finally my cars shocks might have a chance to last more than a year or two ;).

Well it turns out our HWY department "forgot" to curb this road in the area of Dark Brook, which you figure, happens from time to time.

Only issue is, THIS road has terrible drainage (actually no storm drains or sewer, with a lot of sand etc running right into Dark Brook) which leads to and is already leading to undermining of the newly paved surface. If you're not familiar with it, "Berlin hill" is a pretty hefty grade and there is a small stream at the bottom of essentially a natural gully.

Our TA was down there the other day it turns out, which is nice. Maybe something will get done about addressing it. Otherwise, all that money the town just spent (with some overruns) will be for a crumbling road.

The core issue is it would have been nice to do storm drains on this road to address some of this. Maybe once the storm water plan comes out we can get some commitment from the town on this because otherwise everything deteriorates rather rapidly. But at least they should address the need at hand or we'll have a bad situation in another year or two.

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