Friday, May 8, 2009

It's a beautiful day for Auburn

What a great morning we had on the Fox ziptrip - I gotta hand it to the local affiliate . There was quite a crowd there early for the broadcast from Goddard park down at the fire station.

Obviously kudos again to Kristin, my wife Eleena and everyone who helped make this happen and come together. I think the more that show our town in a good light like this the better people will feel about it and the more we'll attract good people to our town and serving our community.

Which by the way, I think the town meeting last night was really something to feel good about as well.

Two major things - the budget proposal obviously the unions, departments, finance, BOS, schools really everyone came together and put together a very workable sensible plan for finances this year. It was nice that we are ahead of many other towns in this respect - we've got the "extra" $800K or so into stabilization for the seemingly inevitable budget cuts to come, as well as new growth in levy, some room in the levy limit before any prop 2 1/2 issues. And to have the schools propose a budget that was in line with what finance and BOS came up with - that really helps smooth out the process which frankly was very uncomfortable last year. Think of where we would be also if we had gone with a larger budget in 09. This is not to say there isn't hardship in this budget because it's clear everyone is feeling some of it.

Also on the articles - pretty much all of them passed with flying colors with the exception of the weed control which was split. I was torn but voted for it given the relatively small size of the amount. I see the issue with cuts and that everyone was trying to cut back. But as they mentioned nature doesn't care about budgets those weeds are going to try and grow their hardest despite any financial issues we might have. Hopefully town meeting members in the precincts affected will remember this when Stoneville comes with proposals in the future like this because we definitely need it in our watershed soon.

The other proposal I was really glad we voted for was something I blogged about a while back - impact fees legislation. It's not going to be easy, but this really enables us to not have to punish the whole for the burdens thrust on us from a few. We have to be careful and try and learn how Cape Cod did this because in general the SJC in Mass doesn't like them. So legislation has to be crafted in such a way as to be fair. It does hold the promise of providing a buffer for the town in terms of revenues or fees for large developments that can offset the costs such as police fire and largely schools.

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