Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A word on Eleena's candidacy

My wife's blog is at


I've added a link on this site.

In short, check her out. She's bright, inquisitive and has some good ideas for improving the schools, effectiveness of the school committee as well as getting the town to work together with respect to school issues. She's a mom, Simmons College alum class of 90-somethingmumble with double major in graphic design and advertising. I won't pretend to speak for her nor really promote specific ideas of hers explicitly as she's her own person and an independent woman.

I will say that communication of information and managing processes (like the long term strategic plan) are two of her strengths.

Definitely give her a look and listen. Frankly, she was a little nervous at the Camp Gleason event. I thought the questions were clearly geared for the incumbents. But that's just an introduction anyway - check her site out and give her consideration with your vote.


Doreen said...

My name is Doreen Goodrich. I am the chair of the Auburn Democratic Town Committee. I read CT’s blog on a regular as he is well informed and generally fair. Today he posted a comment that is not only unfair it is simply not true. He posted a little about his wife’s candidacy for school committee and as part of that post he wrote “(the committee who put the event on is endorsing them openly).” The Auburn Democratic Town Committee does not endorse any municipal candidate, period. I have no idea what was said by whom but I was clear that my only endorsement was that the citizens of Auburn vote. If there is any valid indication that the committee “openly endorsed” any candidate I would appreciate the courtesy of being informed before being accused.
On a smaller matter, CT in what seems to be a complaint states “I thought the questions were clearly geared for the incumbent”. I would like to say that years ago the Auburn Democratic Town Committee hosted the only candidates forum. Other groups added their own forums and there ended up being too many. We stopped doing ours and recently realized that the only forum was the senior center and decided to start our forum again. Much debate went on as to the format and questioning. These questions were from individual committee members. The questions were non partisan and were geared towards incumbents and challengers equally. I encourage the public to watch the replay and judge for yourself.
Again I want to be clear the Auburn Democratic Town Committee does not endorse any municipal candidate.We wish all of the candidates well and thank them for participating. Once again, my only plug is please vote on May 15th. Thank you auburndems@yahoo.com

Tricia Joyce said...

My name is Tricia Joyce, I am a longtime member of the ADTC. I have been made aware of this post and am upset at what is inferred. I had the task of the committee member greeter at this event and spoke with Ms. Olson before the school committee session. After the segment, I spoke to both you and your wife. I expressed my thanks and encouragement to both challengers. During our discussions, no displeasure with the committee or the event was expressed. I hope at some point you will clarify your rational in stating “the committee who put the event on is endorsing them openly” It is clearly, unfair and absolutely untrue

CT Olson said...

I removed the reference to Auburn committee in the post. I unfortunately confused your committee with another one which is supporting the two incumbents, for which I apologize. We spoke with quite a few people after the event and enjoyed speaking with you all!

CT Olson said...

The other committee is called ACPE fyi not Auburn Democrats!