Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mercury collection at the BOH

While I was up at the Town Hall last night for the Charter Review meeting that got canceled I noticed a large notice by the Board of Health about mercury collection.

With the increased use of CFC (compact fluorescents) to save energy, there is the prospect of mercury contamination. Here's a link on what to do if you break a bulb. Here's the EPA site for how to manage mercury.

But anyway, it's good to know the BOH is now addressing this, collecting items from 8-4 during normal business hours. I think we had questioned them a few times last year and they are taking initiative to accept not only old bulbs but thermostats, thermometers, switches etc.

A more complete list from the EPA of consumer products with mercury is here.

I think I have a few jars worth of old thermostats and things I've been holding waiting for the opportunity to dispose of them. DON'T JUST THROW THEM IN THE TRASH! Think about it - Millbury incinerator will burn them up and people down in Milford etc will have airborne mercury floating around.

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