Thursday, February 28, 2008

You think our HS was a white elephant

Try Newton. They are building a $171 million project. Unfortunately for them the state has come to its senses to some degree on this stuff and is limiting funding. Actually they just realized they can't afford too many more High School Mahals. So the regular towns folk will be left holding the bag again.

Barbara Anderson (a great citizen of our Commonwealth) was on Howie Carr the other day talking about this. Apparently a representative of Newton is trying to push a new elderly property tax exclusion. Not a home rule petition, mind you, which would limit this to one town, the whole state.

The proponents of this idea have no qualms about why they are doing it. It's so the seniors, who are the ones holding the line on taxes (because they're on fixed incomes AND more importantly they've heard it all as far as tax increases and don't fall for it anymore) will be less likely to vote down Prop 2 1/2 overrides.

The funny thing when you think about the rationale for new high schools is that property values will go up. But that means - higher taxes due to higher assessments right? I mean, unless ... well I won't even mention it - THEY CURB SPENDING??

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