Saturday, March 1, 2008

Historical overview of Auburn

There's a lot of older history here in this book a friend of mine found using google. It starts around page 240.

I think it was written around 1870 and is titled HIstory of Worcester County. Interesting reading about some of the founders of Auburn including Drury, Eddy, Capt Crowl who supposedly reared a family of giants and way back to Sagamore John and the Nipmucks.

The plentiful water and rich soil were mentioned as strengths of the town from way back - vital resources we need to respect and guard to this day. There's quite a patriotic history from the beginning as well as history with the mills and farms. The incorporation of the town met with resistance according to the document from Worcester for one, as we were considered part of the city at that time. Samuel Eddy went to the Cambridge Convention to assist in framing the Bill of Rights and Constitution in 1779.

Kind of funny that at the first town meeting they appropriated funds for highway repair. Somethings never seem to change!

Anyway, for any history buffs or people wondering just how the town got its start it's an interesting read.

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