Friday, August 29, 2008

"Debbie Downer" for student bikers

I think this woman is working for SD/SC

We were perusing the school handbook this year the other day ... trying not to be taken down by things like the warning light not working, busses not showing up for kindergarten orientation and learning of the 10 year bond to buy computers (clearly not a 10 year service item). Oh, and learning that many towns start their kids a week LATER than Auburn, and hours are from 9-3, when our first graders are going 8-240?? Well it's worth it for those great test scores we're getting right? Right???

Then we learned of a particularly restrictive ordinance "Students are not permitted to ride bicycles to school". This is clearly not only anti-green, environment and the like, it's anti-health! I really don't understand this - kids are not just discouraged from exercising and getting vehicles off the road, they are prohibited from it? I guess we should encourage them to head to McDonalds (we have one across from the HS) and play more video games next.

Yet another naysayer/overly restrictive policy IMO from our great town non-leaders! As DD would say - "Wah waaaaaaaaah!"

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